Saturday, July 05, 2008

An American 4th of July in China

Fourth of July in Chengdu was definitely unlike any other 4th I’ve ever had. My first major American holiday abroad was not spent among fellow Americans but Chinese, Danes, and Brits instead. Though there wasn’t anyone around to truly share in the celebration, anyone is always open to another excuse for 1 more cheers… It was a pretty good night.

Resolving to throw my budget to the wind, I hopped in a cab and went across town for some dinner and late night revelry. As I walked to the restaurant, I decided a beer would be nice. Went into a convenience store planning on buying the same cheap Chinese beer I’ve been drinking all along but then something caught my eye. I’d been told that drinking in public is technically illegal but never enforced so I bought a large bottle and went outside. Breaking the law in the name of America, I sat on the steps of the convenience store drinking a beer that won a blue ribbon in 1893, dubbed “America’s Best.” I skipped the Budweiser and went straight for Pabst Blue Ribbon. It was warm, not particularly delicious in any sense of the word but it was American and I kind of enjoyed the sense of superficial patriotism that it conveyed.

Got an American beer in my belly but then it was time for food. Anyone who has spoken with me in the last couple weeks has no doubt heard about how much I’ve been missing Mexican food. Since I was treating myself all night, this seemed like a perfect opportunity to indulge/experiment in the more Mexican side of Chinese cuisine. Just down the road from the convenience store lied a most unlikely restaurant for central China.

I walked in the doors of Peter’s Tex-Mex Grill and sat down. That’s right, Tex-Mex. Not quintessentially American but uniquely Texan and it fit perfectly into my “comforts of home” night. Weeks of anticipation and longing had brought me to the moment that I ordered a plate of beef enchiladas with a side of refried of beans and Spanish rice. I sat admiring the signs on the wall reading “Everything is bigger in Texas” and “If you’re smoking, you better be on fire” while waiting for my food. Man, when I closed my eyes I could just imagine that I was in Texas instead. Actually, that’s a lie… the interior was over-the-top stereotypically “Texan” (well at least that was what they were going for) and the boisterous Chinese patrons did nothing to prolong my delusion. All of that didn’t matter as soon as my food came out though.

I went in with low expectations, hoping to be wowed but mostly I was just puzzled. Why are the beans green? Where’s the cheese? You call that Spanish rice? And why god, why isn’t the plate hot?!? With an air of adventure, I dug in. The beef wasn’t too bad, the sour cream hit the spot and though the rice and beans were weird, they were vaguely familiar as well. It was no Elvis plate at Chewy’s but at least it had Texican qualities about it. But seriously, I had no idea how much a cold plate detracts from the overall experience… All I wanted was the waitress to say “be careful, the plate is hot” so that I could nod in understanding only to touch the plate anyways just to make sure. I guess eating Mexican food isn’t only about the ingredients. The whole meal was quite nice and though I’ve been spoiled in terms of Mexican food for my whole life, I can still appreciate a Chinese take on it.

From dinner I went to an Irish Pub that I was told should have a decent number of westerners. They had American craft beers on special and I was delighted to get a Rogue Dead Guy Ale for a decent price. It was the first decent dark beer I’d had since I left home. That was great but I was left wondering where the Americans were at. Everyone I talked too was from somewhere else but a foreign country’s holiday is as good a reason as any for a cheers so they were happy to join in my celebration. Hung out with a tour group for a little while before heading out to another bar. Walking into a French bar on July 4th, I pretty much had to check my pride at the door. No matter, I spent the rest of the night walking up to people and asking if they were American. After they replied “no,” I would just say “damn” and walk off. Nobody ever let me walk away and this turned out to be a surprisingly good strategy to begin conversations. The night wore on and at about 3:30, I was content with my Chinese July 4th celebration. I rode in the cab back to my hostel thinking about how starkly different my next Independence Day will be from this one.

I’m spending the next few days hiking up into the mountains south of Chengdu and I cannot wait to hit 9000 feet. The trail head is at just over 1500 so it should be an ass kicker if nothing else. Pictures and news of my Tibetan ambitions to follow when I get back in a few days. I've also uploaded some pretty spectacular photos from a hike I did a few days ago so check them out if you're curious. that's it for now!


Anonymous said...

whoa. these are some nice pictures. I liek the mist. Keep it up! oh and funny stuff about your chinesse 4th of July hahaha!

Unknown said...

Sweet Jesus Darren, you took my advice and had an American 4th of July in China. It's really the only way to go. I hope the 'Tex-Mex' was better than the bizarre, completely off Tex-Mex we had on Phangan. Back in D-town we put a grill and beer pong table on the roof, it was good times.

Anonymous said...

I have read your blog for almost 2 hours! The whole trip is so wonderful,which is so far beyond my imagination! I will go here to see what your future trip going to be~~
Carry on and wish you have a good luck!(in Chinese it is 加油,祝你好运:)