Since I left, myself and others have called this trip a vacation but I've come to realize that that title is completely wrong.
The term vacation conjures up images of pina coladas on the beach or some alpine ski resort with hot tub and pool. What ever it is that I'm doing now is very, very far from that.
Whether I'm trying to get across Bangkok to catch a night train or looking for shelter after hitting the ground in Ban Lung, this is a lot of work. Additionally, covering large distances in short time frames (a scenario which has become almost routine for me) is extremely exhausting. For example, 2 days ago I got on a bus in Phnom Penh at 6:30AM bound for Bangkok. After arriving in BKK at 9:30PM, I had to negotiate a fair price to the train station hoping that I would be able to get a sleeper berth for the 12 hour train to Ubon Ratchathani leaving at 10:30PM. As is often the case, things didn't go according to plan and every seat was full on that train. There were non-air con seats available on the last train of the night at 11:50PM and after weighing my options, I decided this was the way to go. A miserable 12 hours later, I had to find shelter in Ubon.
Next to my backpack, my closest companion these days is uncertainty. You never know if there will be enough seats on the bus or if it will make it to the destination in time for you to catch the next leg of your journey. Contingency plans are a must and almost get used as often as they become unnecessary. The huge question marks looming at the end of any day really do add a whole level of stress to this life that I didn't even consider before leaving.
Of course all the transportation worries could be avoided with 1 direct flight and though affordable shelter can be hard to find, there is always an abundance of hotels and nice rooms available which is where a budget comes in. For the same amount of money, I could travel for 1 month or 1 year and neither path would intersect. Those who knew me in DC knew that I was a slave to my budget to save for this trip and not much has changed. I spend around $30/day on average including all transportation, food and shelter costs. I am also constantly looking for places to cut corners. The other day I walked into a store that sells music to put on your ipod and convinced the owner that their selection was worse than the one down the street and it would be a good business decision to trade music with me and expand his collection rather than just sell it to me. That saved me about $5 (which is a night's stay).
Enough bitterness, I wouldn't still be out here if it wasn't worth it now would I? Despite all the tribulations, there are extremely rewarding moments throughout. Though transportation is stressful, getting to my destination a day and half earlier than I should have is endlessly gratifying. And travel in general gets easier the longer you do it. I have come back to Thailand and feel like I'm returning to an old familiar friend. I know how much stuff should cost, I know how their transportation system works and I know quite a few words in the local language. Though I leave this country soon, the open road isn't nearly as scary as it used to be.
Uncertainty has changed from a stressor to a source of excitement and spending 30 hours in transit gets easier with every passing excursion. No longer new and exciting, this transient life is finally familiar and I wouldn't have it any other way. I head to Laos tomorrow because I'm already restless having spent 2 days in this town. I've finally hit my stride and don't plan on slowing down any time soon. And why would I? When moments like this make it all worth it.
Hey, buddy. Your video is no longer available on your blog. Dad and I saw it and totally enjoyed it; but we knew it was you. Dad suggests that you film yourself at the beginning or end so people know it's you. WE LOVE YOU~ MOM & DAD
You are absolutely incredible...and a VERY talented writer. You make it interesting and exciting and YES!!! I knew that was you jumping in the water. But I am still waiting for you to come out. Now I have something else to worry about. Poppy started messing with my computer today and the genius figured it all out and got it back to the exact way it was before your mom tried to make some changes (unsuccessfully)
yesterday. He went to McAfee and clicked on to restore and gave the date BEFORE your mom got to it and Magic!! everything thankfully is restored and back the way it
was. Anyway my darling...sounds like you are enjoying it all even with some hardships. I am so proud of all you are doing, seeing and reporting on. Just take care of yourself and stay safe. I love you very much.....Nanny
I see that it says what I just wrote was from donnals....I guess that was something she "added" to my computer yesterday and we didnt get that off....but I will always sign my name, so if it keeps saying from donnals...well, just don't believe it. I love you, Nanny
Oh, and's Sunday night here, March 30, 10:15 p.m.
love you, Nanny
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